Nutrient and Energy Needs of Teenagers

In many respects, the nutrient and energy needs of teenagers are higher than those of any other age group.

Healthy young people have large appetites and it's important that you eat food of high nutritional value in the form of well-balanced meals rather than too many snacks that are rich in fat, sugar or salt.

Try to eat some fruit, nuts and dried fruit as snacks instead of crisps and sweets.

What do I need to eat for a healthy diet?

A healthy, balanced diet is rich in fruit, vegetables and starchy foods, and contains moderate amounts of meat and alternatives, and milk and dairy foods.

Foods high in fat, particularly saturated fat, and/or sugar should only be eaten in small amounts or infrequently.

-- Milk, cheese, yoghurt, soya beans and nuts are rich in calcium which is needed for healthy bones and teeth.

-- Fortified breakfast cereals, margarine and oily fish are good sources of dietary vitamin D which helps ensure a good supply of calcium in the blood and therefore healthy bones. The main source of vitamin D is from the action of sunlight on skin, but avoid strong sun especially around midday when there is a risk of burning.

-- Iron is needed for healthy blood. Research has shown that some children have low intakes of iron, particularly older girls. Meat, particularly red meat and liver, and fish are rich sources of iron. Pulses (beans and lentils), green vegetables,and fortified cereals are also good sources of iron.

-- We should all eat at least two portions of fish a week. Fish are a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals and they are low in saturated fat. Oily fish also contain omega 3 fatty acids. Young men can have up to four portions of oily fish a week, but young women should avoid having more than two portions of oily fish a week if they might have a child one day.

-- You should also include foods containing folic acid in your diet such as green vegetables and brown rice as well as fortified bread and breakfast cereals.

-- Citrus fruit (such as oranges and lemons), tomatoes and potatoes are all good sources of vitamin C, which is essential for health. Vitamin C may help the absorption of iron, so have fruit juice with an iron-rich meal.

-- Milk, margarine, butter, green vegetables, carrots and apricots are all good sources of vitamin A, which is important for good vision and healthy skin.

-- Avoid eating shark, swordfish and marlin because these contain relatively high levels of mercury which, until the age of 16, might affect a young person's developing nervous system.

How can I maintain a healthy weight?

If you eat a healthy balanced diet you should be able to maintain a healthy weight.

If you're overweight, stick to a balanced diet but also try to cut down on foods containing sugar and fat, and get plenty of physical activity.

In particular, it's a good idea to:

-- cut down on sweets, cakes, biscuits and fizzy drinks,

-- eat less fatty foods such as chips, burgers and fried food in general,

-- eat regular balanced meals,

-- eat more fruit and vegetables.

Try to focus on eating a healthy diet and being active rather than on losing weight.

How much salt should I be eating?

On average we're eating about 9.5 g of salt a day. But we should try to cut this down to less than 6 g of salt a day.

Is it healthy to be vegetarian?

Yes, you just need to make sure your diet is balanced and includes all the necessary nutrients.

As meat, fish and chicken are traditionally the main sources of protein, a vegetarian diet needs to include alternative sources of protein.

Milk, cheese, eggs and pulses (lentils, beans) are good sources.

Although meat is the best source of iron, it can also be found in pulses, green leafy vegetables and iron-enriched bread and cereals.

It's easier to absorb the iron from our food if we eat it with foods that contain vitamin C, which is found in citrus fruits such as oranges.

Where can I get more information?

If you're concerned about your health, contact your GP.


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