New Treatment for Bladder Infections and UTIs

York-based company Sweet Cures is achieving astonishing success with their own health product, Waterfall D-Mannose, a cure and preventative treatment for bladder infections and UTIs.

A specialist market, you might think, but up to 50% of women worldwide have some type of urinary tract infection in their lifetime, and up to 10% of women have recurring infections that are resistant to even broad-spectrum antibiotics.

That's where Waterfall D-Mannose comes in. With increasingly resistant E.Coli strains appearing, and increased public awareness of the dangers of taking antibiotics - some of which are so toxic to the body that they can occasionally kill on the first dose, people are looking for alternative ways to deal with their infections.

John Bremner and Anna Sawkins discovered that D-Mannose - a monosaccaride isomer of glucose, effectively attaches itself to the mannose receptors that Escherichia coli - the cause of around 90% of bladder infections - uses to hook itself to human tissue. The E.coli is then flushed out of the system during normal urination.

The treatment was tested on over 300 women, with only one failure where E.coli was involved. This contrasts with an average failure rate of 35% for antibiotics treating the same infection.

As the properties of Waterfall D-Mannose have become known, (it works agains antibiotic resistant strains of E.coli) Sweet Cures has exported the isomer all over the world, even sending the product to customers as far afield as Australia.

So far, although Sweet Cures does have one Harley Street specialist who recommends their product, not many doctors have come on board. Naturally, they would like to attract more.

'It's a cause we are very interested in,' said Anna Sawkins, 'Doctors recommend and prescribe standard allopathic treatments for UTIs, but in the long term these can do more harm than good.

Fluoroquinolene-based antibiotics can have particularly devastating side effects such as fluorodosis/fluorosis - basically fluorine poisoning. And the effects are cumulative. We'd just like doctors to consider the alternatives.'

Meanwhile, patients all over the world are taking their treatment out of the hand of doctors and successfully treating themselves with Waterfall D-Mannose.

John Bremner agrees with Anna's sentiments, and goes further, 'The pharmaceutical industry has a vested interest in cures that don't work long-term.

After all, if they cured the problem, they would lose sales. And if antibiotics have bad side effects, what do people do? Go to the doctor for more drugs to treat those side effects.'

It's clear why he is not making many friends amongst the medical profession. But it's also clear that he is making a point that needs to be made.

For more information contact John Bremner or Anna Sawkins, Sweet Cures, 101 Foxwood lane, York, YO24 3LQ. Tel: 01904-340916.
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