The New 'Instant' Recovery Face Lift

Prominent Long Island plastic surgeon Dr. Zachary Gerut develops revolutionary new surgical procedure - Until now, patients desiring a younger look have had to choose between having a mini procedure or thread lift that offered only a small improvement and short term result -or, a substantial face lift procedure that required a one, two or even a three week recovery.

The Gerut Lift is a full face lift procedure, known to have a reliable record of providing excellent facial rejuvenation and lasting many years. Dr. Gerut has combined many innovations and techniques including a very striking departure from the usual: the facelift is done with the patient totally awake yet totally comfortable. Dr. Gerut states "Anesthetic drugs cause major physiologic changes and without them, the recovery is significantly and even amazingly faster- so much less swelling and bruising that patients look exceptionally well healed in as quickly as one, two or three days."

In developing his new procedure Dr. Gerut borrowed techniques from other cosmetic procedures, but never with facelifts until now. Dr. Gerut uses Novocain to numb the face with several totally painless injections using a tiny, imperceptible needle and a special apparatus that spreads the Novocain slowly to avoid even the slightest discomfort. Distributing the Novocain throughout the face can take approximately 1/2 hour or more. For those patients who are squeamish about the thought of needles, Dr. Gerut can administer Valium orally or small amounts of local I.V. sedation to keep them comfortable.

How can Dr. Gerut be sure that a patient is numb? Dr. Gerut explains that the entire face is full of the diluted lidocaine, saline and adrenaline (which is commonly used in tumescent liposuction), which turns the tissues completely white so that he can see the affect the adrenaline is having on the numbing process.

What about the patient 'fear factor' in terms of being completely awake during surgery? As Dr. Gerut explains, "the patient is lying back and listening to soft music if they wish." If the patient feels he or she wants to take a break, Dr. Gerut can pause during the surgical procedure. The patient can speak with Dr. Gerut but if he needs them to remain especially still or silent, he will let them know. As Dr. Gerut points out, "even when a patient is sedated by traditional means, they can still make involuntary movements such as scratching or hand movements so there is no more risk in terms of patient movement using this Novocain method. If a patient feels the need to scratch or shift positions they simply let Dr. Gerut know so that that he can pause."

In addition to eliminating the potentially life threatening danger of being put under anesthesia, there is no post operative nausea, grogginess, or anesthesia 'hangover.' The Novocain wears off an hour or two after the surgery is over and patients do not feel pain. There is perhaps some tightness, which is quite normal. Dr. Gerut uses a very long acting Novocain called Marcain that lasts up to six hours.

Because tumescent liposuction is so successful in minimizing bruising and swelling, Dr. Gerut has been tumescing the face for many years, and is adept in his surgical technique to accommodate for the facial changes that occur when the patient's face is full of saline and Novocain. At this point, Dr. Gerut has successfully performed over 25 facelift procedures using this anesthesia-free method. He has had no complications and only positive aesthetic outcomes.

Just as surgeons have readily accepted the tumescent technique for liposuction, Dr. Gerut feels that once this facelift technique has been taught to other plastic surgeons that it will be widely embraced. Although Dr. Gerut is not suggesting that the use of anesthesia is a uniformly dangerous method of performing plastic surgery, the fact remains that its use does pose potential risks even in healthy patients.

For those patients wishing to minimize that risk and recover much faster post operatively, this is perhaps the most exciting news to emerge from cosmetic surgery in a long time.

*** Dr. Gerut will be submitting a paper on this technique to The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

Dr. Gerut is a diplomate of The American Board of Plastic Surgery, a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and a member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

****An understanding of tumescent liposuction helps to better comprehend the principles of Dr. Gerut's no-anesthesia technique

One of the most significant improvements in liposuction in recent years has been the use of tumescent anesthesia, introduced by dermatologist Dr. Jeffrey Klein a few years ago. Tumescent liposuction (Tumescent Technique) refers to the performance of liposuction using large volumes of a dilute solution of lidocaine, a local anesthetic, in combination with the drug epinephrine that temporarily shrinks capillaries. This is comfortably performed with minimal or no sedation required. The Tumescent Technique minimizes post-operative swelling, bruising and discomfort.

With the Tumescent Technique there is no post-surgical nausea, nor the unpleasant feeling of "hang-over" usually associated with general anesthesia. The Tumescent Technique dramatically reduces both the bleeding during surgery, and the post-operative bruising and swelling as compared to liposuction done purely by general anesthesia. Minimal bleeding reduces post-operative recovery time. Most patients can return to work within three to four days after surgery.


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