White Tea - The Healthy Tea

White Tea as well as all other types of tea come from the same species of white flowering evergreen trees. However, the manner in which it is harvested and processed determines its life as a type of tea.

Therefore, tea is a form of herb, since it is plant life. When growing in the wild, a tea tree may grow in heights of 30 feet, however most tended tea trees undergo pruning and plucking to make the harvesting of the silvery tea leaves and tender buds convenient. This pruning causes the majority of tea trees you see to look like bushes.

However, white tea is the new growth of bud and the youngest of leaves from the Camellia sinensis tea tree. The difference between white tea and green tea is that the white tea does not feature the taste of grass, as do green teas.

White tea is the most rare of all teas.It has the least oxidation.It is unrolled and is only harvested at certain times of the year.

White tea has a pleasant interesting appearance and it is light and sweet in taste when steeped below the point of boiling.

White Tea Benefits

Although they both go through a similar processing with no fermentation white and green tea are not the same. White tea is the purest herbal form of processed tea and it contains the highest of health properties of all Camellia sinensis tea brews. There is less caffeine and more nutrients in white tea than in any other, which adds to its unsurpassed list of healing properties.

White Tea is very high in anti-oxidant and nutrients that are able to aid the body in protection from the damage of free radicals, which speeds up the aging process and damages DNA cells.

In the chemical makeup of green tea, all these anti-oxidants are working full time on problems that involve bacterial, inflammatory and viral elements.

Simply put, white tea is beneficial in influencing the health of the skin, heart, kidneys, circulatory system and brain. Therefore, since white tea is the purest forms of tea the healing properties have a better chance of guarding against many diseases and viruses not to mention the flu and the common cold.

The calm healing effects of white tea are able to ease many uncomfortable symptoms including those of HIV.

The anti-aging benefits are widely appreciated as are the reduction of blood sugar, heart problems and strokes. White tea offers increased energy and aids in reducing stress, everyone should have white tea daily for the very best results in health.

White tea holds interesting promise in the prevention of many cancers, such as stomach, colon and prostate. Since the anti-oxidants in white tea are abundant, they prevent the development of new cancerous growths while inhibiting the growth of existing growths.

White tea is also great for your skin, teeth and bones and provides you the best that the tea tree has to offer. Since white tea tastes so good and is so good for you why not sit back relax and have a cup today.


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