Sports and Nutrition - Fueling Your Performance

Nutrition - The Right Balance
Just as a car runs best with a full tank of gas, your body needs the right kind of "nutritional fuel" for peak performance. Eating well for your sport can be very simple. You do not need special foods or supplements. It is important to fuel your body with a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, and water.

Carbohydrates or "carbs" (found in pasta, bread, cereal, rice, potatoes, fruits, milk, yogurt, etc.) are especially important for athletes because they supply the body with glucose (blood sugar) for energy. Extra glucose is stored in the muscles and liver as glycogen, your energy reserve. During short bursts of exercise such as sprinting, basketball, gymnastics, or soccer, your body primarily uses glycogen for energy. If you don't have enough glycogen you can feel very tired, which will affect your athletic performance. During longer exercise, your body uses the glycogen stores first and then uses fats stored in your body to fuel performance.

Fat is an important source of energy used to fuel longer exercise and endurance activities, such as hiking, cycling, and long-distance running. Eating a diet that is too low in dietary fat may decrease athletic performance and cause other health problems.

Protein is needed for your body to build and repair muscles. Small amounts of protein may also be used for energy.

Vitamins and minerals are not sources of energy, but they have many important functions in the body. For example, vitamin D and calcium are needed for strong bones, and iron is needed for blood cells to carry oxygen throughout your body. Certain minerals, like potassium, calcium, and sodium are called electrolytes. They are important during exercise because they affect the amount of water in your body and muscle activity. Athletes should eat a balanced diet with a variety of foods to make sure they get enough vitamins and minerals. It is fine to take a regular multivitamin, but supplements with high doses of vitamins and minerals do not improve performance and may actually be harmful.

Water is essential to keep you hydrated (when your body has enough fluids). Dehydration (when you don't have enough fluids) can cause muscle cramps and keep you from performing your best.

Healthy Eating Tips for Athletes
  • Eat a variety of foods. Because different foods have different nutrients, you should eat a variety of foods to get all the nutrients you need to stay in peak condition. For example, oranges provide vitamin C and carbohydrates, but not iron or protein. A steak provides iron and protein, but not vitamin C or carbohydrates.
  • Eat regular meals and snacks. Skipping meals will weaken your performance. Eating regular meals and healthy snacks is the best way to fuel your body for athletic events.
  • Eat enough calories. Calories fuel your body for exercise and replace energy that is used up during competition. Cutting calories keeps you from performing your best. Exercise and athletic training demands extra energy, and it is essential to meet your body's energy needs if you want to compete at full strength.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Athletes need more fluids than non-athletes. Do not wait until you are thirsty to start drinking water, because thirst means that you are already dehydrated. Remember to drink even more in hot and humid weather.
What fluids should I drink and how much do I need?
Before exercise: The goal of drinking fluids before exercise is to be well hydrated before you are physically active. If you have rested for at least 8-12 hours before activity and eat and drink regularly, extra hydration may not be needed. If you have lost fluids from sweating prior to exercise, have not been regularly drinking, or have dark, concentrated urine, then you may need 1-2 cups four hours before you begin exercising and another ½ - 1 cup two hours before.

During exercise: Fluid needs during exercise depend on how intense and long your workout is, weather conditions, and how much you sweat. If you are going to be exercising for more than one hour, then it is recommended that you drink 2-4 cups of water per hour. If you are not exercising for more than one hour, then replace fluids according to your thirst and the weather (more fluid is needed in hotter, more humid climates). Sports drinks, such as Gatorade® or Powerade® help replace water, carbs, and electrolytes. Avoid sodas and drinks that contain caffeine, because they can actually dehydrate you.

After exercise: After exercise, drink 16 ounces (2 cups) and return to normal eating and drinking patterns. Calorie containing drinks (like juice or a sports drink) can replace water and glucose. You can figure out if you are well hydrated by looking at the color of your urine. A clear color is a sign of good hydration. However, if you see a darker yellow color, this means that you need to drink more fluids.

What should I eat to fuel my exercise?
Fueling - Before Exercise:
The food you eat before you exercise greatly affects the quality of your athletic performance. These tips will help you plan your pre-exercise meals to prevent low blood sugar, to keep you from feeling hungry, and to fuel your muscles for training and competition.
  • Eat a larger meal if you have 3-6 hours before you begin your exercise. Smaller "mini" meals are better if have 2-3 hours before your workout begins. Meals that are high in complex carbohydrates (foods rich in carbohydrates that have long lasting energy power) are best because they fuel your muscles. Pasta, bagels, baked potatoes, rice, and fresh fruit are all good sources of complex carbohydrates.
  • Avoid high-bulk (high-fiber) foods such as broccoli, baked beans, or bran cereal right before exercise. These foods may cause stomach pains during exercise. High-fiber foods are loaded with good nutrition though, so be sure to include them at other times of the day.
  • Avoid sugars and sweets, especially soda and candy, less than 1 hour before training. High-sugar foods will give you quick energy, but won't last long enough.
  • Limit foods that are high in dietary fat such as fast food, eggs, meat, and cheese that you eat for your pre-exercise meal. These foods take much longer to digest and may make you feel sluggish and tired if you eat too much of them.
  • Do not try new foods before a competition. You may have trouble digesting a food you have never eaten before. Choose foods that are familiar to you.
Hours Before Exercise What to Eat What to Drink
1-2 Fresh fruits or vegetables (low fiber)
Crackers, granola or cereal bars
Water, fruit or vegetable juice
2-3 Granola bar & yogurt, ½ bagel & peanut butter, cereal & milk Water, fruit or vegetable juice
3-6 Fruits, vegetables, breads, bagels, peanut butter, lean meat, cheese, yogurt, full sandwich, cereal with milk & fruit, baked potato Water, fruit or vegetable juice

Fueling - After Exercise:
It is very important to refuel your body after a hard workout. Because your body replaces glycogen stores in your muscle within the first few hours after exercise, it is important to eat carbohydrates and some protein soon after your workout. Follow these tips when planning your post (after)-exercise meal.
  • Even if you aren't hungry, you should eat a snack that contains carbohydrates within 30 minutes after your workout (such as a yogurt or half a sandwich). This will help your body recover quickly.
  • You should eat a larger meal that is high in carbohydrates and has some protein within the next 2 hours to replace your muscle glycogen stores that were used up during exercise.
What is carbohydrate loading?
Carbohydrate loading is a technique used to increase the amount of glycogen in muscles. It involves eating extra carbohydrates during the week before a competition, while at the same time cutting back on your training. Carbohydrate loading is intended for marathon runners and other elite athletes.

Should I eat extra protein or use protein supplements?
Although some extra protein is needed to build muscle, most people get plenty of protein from food. Getting extra protein from supplements will not have any added benefit. Eating enough calories is actually more important for building muscle. Without enough calories, your body can't build new muscle.

Should I eat energy bars?
It depends. There are many different energy bars you can buy. Some are high in carbohydrates and others are high in protein. They do not contain any magic ingredients that will help your athletic performance. Regular foods that have some carbohydrate and protein in them like yogurt, cheese and crackers, or cereal bars are just as good and usually cost less. However, energy bars are convenient and may taste good. Energy bars are usually pretty dense and low in moisture, so make sure you drink plenty of fluids when you eat them.

Remember: Athletes need more food and fluids than non-athletes. Regular meals and healthy snacks will help fuel your body before and after exercise. It is important to give your body enough of the right fuel in order to feel good and have the energy you need to be the best athlete you can be.


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