Health Supplement

A Health supplement becomes mandatory as the food supply demonstrates it contains fewer and fewer nutrients. Fruits and vegetables show signs that the nutritional quality is fast sliding downhill and what Grandpa ate, was far more healthful.

Depleted soil with just enough nutrients to grow genetically altered fruits and vegetables produce less vitamin charged foods for our consumption. Baby boomers approach the age where the body no longer processes foods as efficiently as it did when it was younger and find that what kept them healthy years ago, no longer suffices. Busy schedules mean meals on the run, which often contain empty calories. All of these instances scream out, "nutritional supplements, please."

Scientists now discover that certain diseases might be forestalled or eliminated if only the individual would have added a nutritional supplement to their diet. India has a lower incidence of prostrate cancer, lung cancer and breast. Why? There is a direct correlation to their prevalent use of turmeric in Indian foods. This is just one indicator that food makes a difference and something is missing from the American diet.

The average family no longer sits around the supper table and discusses the day's events while munching on a delicious home cooked meal made from the family garden. Meals come in containers that might be plastic, flat and square or even cute little square containers with handles.

Many of these foods are over-processed, overcooked, and lack all forms of nutrition, except they're crunchy, easy and the family likes them. It isn't that the meal planner doesn't try, it's simply that there's no time and everyone arrives home at a different time.

Sometimes the traditional meal planner, the Mom, arrives home long after the rest of the family and, if they wait, they're ready for dinner the minute she walks through the door. Who wouldn't want to put something on the table that doesn't take an hour to chop, sauté, steam or prepare?

Studies now show what once was thought as a normal part of the aging process is nothing more than lack of nutrition. People don't have to become senile when they age. Mental confusion, depression and even Alzheimer's might be linked to the senior's nutritional health.

As people age, more and more cells begin to die, many because of the oxidation process caused by free radicals. This action doesn't have to take place if the individual supplies antioxidants for their body to help fight the battle at a cellular level. Premature wrinkling, increased joint damage, extra weight, debilitating disease and mental degeneration all have links to the nutritional intake of the individual.

It isn't enough just to take a health supplement; you need to take the right nutritional supplements. Not all vitamin and mineral supplements are alike.

Even with the best vitamins, you may need combinations found only in herbs. Many of the ancient remedies now find their way into the laboratory. The reason is that they work. They don't work because they're shaped like an organ, but because of the combinations and micronutrients they contain.

Many of these herbs are not used frequently in foods as they once were and because of that, modern man misses the benefits they bring to table. Often the only way to include them in your diet is through a health supplement.


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